Faculty Training Wiki Page
The purposes of this page are to:
- provide a site for the One Planet Fellows to store and review the work done for the fellowship
- create a collection of valuable resources in the study, teaching and practice of sustainability and diversity for the Fellows and the SBCC community
Who are One Planet Faculty?
One Planet Faculty Training was designed by the Santa Barbara City College Center for Sustainability and the Office of Campus Diversity to integrate ecological literacy, equity, and social justice into a diverse array of curricula. Our underlying mission is to create educational opportunities to address the need “to meet the needs of our growing population, while regenerating the health of our environment and creating social, economic, and educational equality.” Selected faculty members from various disciplines at SBCC examine the notion of integrating diversity and sustainability into their curricula, while reflecting and analyzing their own pedagogical practices in these areas. As part of their contractual agreements, One Planet Faculty are expected to incorporate One Planet themes into a lesson plan or course syllabus.
Our Statement
As faculty members we take as self evident the value and need to cherish and encourage diversity in community to address and improve the sustainability of human society.
As faculty members we hereby take responsibility for the environmental and social impact of our college and our graduates. To this end we commit to:
Infuse sustainability and diversity into our curriculum to provide relevant training for our students and create opportunity for positive change in our society.
Exemplify social equity and environmental justice through our practices and our teachings.
Support sustainable practices on our campus that regenerate ecosystem function, and decrease waste of limited resources to improve our resiliency and live up to our responsibility to future generations.
- Create and maintain a nurturing environment for self expression and spirituality to honor a diversity of student viewpoints and address the myriad issues associated with diversity and sustainability.
We recognize the urgency of these issues and the need to serve as examples for our students and community, so we pledge to create a more sustainable, just, and equitable community in our time.
Readings for the upcoming One Planet workshops
- "A Moment of Grace" Integrating Sustainability into the Undergraduate Curriculum, Peter Bardaglio
- "Early Signs of Decline," Plan B 3.0, Lester Brown
- The Critical Role of Higher Education in Creating a Sustainable Future, Anthony Cortese
- Multicultural Education: Connecting Theory to Practice (pp. 9 -12), Allison Cumming McCann
- The Science of Diversifying Science: Underrepresented Minorities Experiences in Structured Research Programs, Sylvia Hurtado, et al.
- Sustainability: The Ultimate Liberal Art, Frank Rhodes
- Leaks in the Chicana and Chicano Educational Pipeline, Tara J. Yosso & Daniel G. Solorzano

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